Communication strategy
  • Communication strategy to improve the uptake and impact of research-based knowledge on water measuring and metering in commercial irrigated agriculture (2019)
  • Communication strategy for water re-use (2018-2020)
  • Guidelines for a communication strategy to assist the WRC to achieve maximum uptake of its services (2011)


Content development and communication design
  • COVID-19 fact sheets for people without access to running water (2020)
  • Brief guides for irrigation water measuring and metering (2019-2020)
  • content, design and administration (2019-2020)
  • Advertorial: Liquid Gold – Science turns water threats into opportunities. Appeared in the March issue of Sawubona magazine (2011)
  • Guidelines on domestic water accounts – towards a consistent approach in RSA (2008-2010)


Customer perceptions and customer satisfaction
  • The contribution of WRC research to sustainable municipal wastewater and sanitation services (2015-2016)
  • A stakeholder survey to evaluate stakeholder perceptions and satisfaction about WRC knowledge products in an effort to improve the accessibility, usefulness and user-friendliness of these knowledge products (2014)
  • Research study on South Africans’ perceptions of water and sanitation services (2011, 2015)
  • Several capacity-building workshops for municipal officials (2010-2016)

Impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation
  • Comparison of the Municipal Strategic Self-assessment and the OECD Water Governance Indicator Framework as tools for learning and ongoing improvement in water services delivery (2019-2020). Click here to download the report.
  • Water Services Barometer Study on the key messages of Free Basic Services for the WRC and Sigodi Marah Martin (2006-2007)


  • Research report on the status of faecal sludge management in eight Southern and East African countries (2015)
  • Research study on rural water and sanitation practices (2010-2012)


Therefore, the most important and effective monitoring strategy for the sector is strengthening the voice of consumers.

– Strategic Framework for Water Services (1993, p 60)